Monday, October 19, 2015

I am a cow.

You know the flies that hover around the cows, the tail tries to swing at them, but it is useless.  They are flies and they outnumber the tail, the tail is too small.
My thoughts can be like those flies...hovering, bothering my senses, distracting me, tickling, buzzing even sometimes biting.  It might seem like one at first, but in the blink of an eye they have surrounded me like a swarm of gnats.
They start off superficial.... you are overweight, you aren't pretty, you don't dress cute, what happened to you?  You used to be fit! and they progress...
You aren't good enough at your job.  You aren't organized, You don't spend enough time with your kids, you can't keep your house clean, you aren't a good cook, you argue with hour husband and aren't a good example to your children, your kids are disobedient, you are a bad mom, you will never be a good mom, you don't deserve these beautiful gifts of God...
And rapidly in a matter of moments I am blinded by the swarm of gnats, so distracted and hurt that I am unable to see the flowery meadow the lord has placed me in , I don't see the abundant grass because my feet are currently in the mud.
I don't even notice the herd around me fighting off the same gnats.  I have lost hope.  Not because the hope is gone.  But because I am looking in the wrong place.  My hope isn't in my reflection or my relationships, it isn't in my accomplishments or abilities, my beauty or blessings.  My worth is in the price he paid.  The cost was high.  The cost was the life of Jesus Christ.  He gave his life to redeem me.  I have been redeemed, set free.
So why am I choosing to live in a life imprisoned by my own thoughts??
Praise God, I do not have to be perfect.  I don't have to live suffocated by the weight and the depth of my own expectations (and subsequent failure to meet them).  His strength is made perfect in my weakness!

II Cor 12:9-10
But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."  Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.  For the sake of Christ then I am content (KJV says I take pleasure in...)my weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions and calamities.  For when I am weak then I am strong.

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